Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday PM

Apparently its educate your kid while spending quality time with you
on the bus day today. Plaid shirt dad is teaching his squirming
daughter some oragami with large sheets of pink paper. A couple of
tourists are looking cold in flipflops and shorts and the token $10
san francisco sweatshirts. There is an abundance of animal print and
chicken mcnugget smells on the bus this evening. I have no idea if
these are independent of each other. Buses must be running with some
measure of efficiency this evening as they are full but not crowded
and the back door is closing with ease. Someone is toting a giant cake
that likely has buttercream icing. It taunts me. Travel down stockton
is impeded by the crowds that are forced into the streets as vendors
hose down their sidewalks, removing bits of fruit and raw meat and
spittle debris. Animal print handbags are lined up on front seats- no
more mcnugget smell disproving any hypothesized correlation.

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1 comment:

Ms. E said...

Was it an "8 in 1" buttercream cake?